“I would like to be a one-man multinational fashion phenomenon.”

“In order to share one’s true brilliance one initially has to risk looking like a fool: genius is like a wheel that spins so fast, it at first glance appears to be sitting still.”

“Persistence. Perfection. Patience. Power. Prioritize your passion. It keeps you sane.”

“A genius that survives is the real genius.”

“And when we stand in the middle of whatever wilderness happens to be ours, we look around and ask, what plan got us here and what plan will get us out? The former is likely the product of our ignorant contrivances, while the latter is a formulation of God’s phenomenal genius. And have we ever considered that we might be in the wilderness because we’ve confused the two?”

“Do we take less pride in the possession of our home because its walls were built by some unknown carpenter, its tapestries woven by some unknown weaver on a far Oriental shore, in some antique time? No. We show our home to our friends with the pride as if it were our home, which it is. Why then should we take less pride when reading a book written by some long-dead author? Is it not our book just as much, or even more so, than theirs? So the landowner says, ‘Look at my beautiful home! Isn’t it fine?’ And not, ‘Look at the home so-and-so has built.’ Thus we shouldn’t cry, ‘Look what so-and-so has written. What a genius so-and-so is!’ But rather, ‘Look at what I have read! Am I not a genius? Have I not invented these pages? The walls of this universe, did I not build? The souls of these characters, did I not weave?”

“Some people today are wandering generalities instead of meaningful specifics because they have failed to discover and mine the wealth of potentials in them.”

“Incredibly intelligent people always seem odd to those who are not as sharp.”

“There’s a thin line between genius and bottom-barrel stupidness. I hover delicately on a tightrope between the two, wondering where I’ll land if I’ll ever fall.”

“Vivid simplicity is the articulation, the nature of genius. Wisdom is greater than intelligence; intelligence is greater than philosobabble.”

“We’re very familiar with the idea that some things are so complex they’re beyond our comprehension. This not only keeps us solving and experimenting but also distracted. Many things are really so simple we can’t see them under our big noses.”

“If it’s true what is said, that only the wise discover the wise, then it must also be true that the lone wolf symbolizes either the biggest fool on the planet or the biggest Einstein on the planet.”

“If ingenuity is an indicator of how much we love someone, then the story of Christmas is about as ingenious as you can get.”

“What I do not like about our definitions of genius is that there is in them nothing of the day of judgment, nothing of resounding through eternity and nothing of the footsteps of the Almighty.”