All Quotes By Tag: Life-lessons
“By acting or performing our way into a new way of thinking, we can sometimes unearth elements of us that we didn’t believe were possible.”
“I thoughtAfter the darkness of nightThere will be brightness of sunBut sun cameWith a promise of nightMay be that’s life!”
“Remember that people are only guests in your story – the same way you are only a guest in theirs – so make the chapters worth reading.”
“There’s always more to it than we would ever know.”
“Better is about believing you can be – and do – more than you thought. And at the heart of becoming better at anything is the ability to make better choices.”
“If you don’t like me , it’s my problem and I’m happy with that , If I don’t like you it’s your problem and I still happy .”
“One reason the concept of becoming better can scare us is that it requires us to step out of a place that we recognize and have possibly grown comfortable with.”
“Cînd ești cameriste, odată cu trecerea timpului, ai impresia că ești cu totul pierdută și uitată, e ca munca în mină, cel puțin așa e pe coridorul secretarilor, zile întregi nu vezi pe nimeni în afară de cîțiva petenți care se furișează de colo colo, neîndrăznind să ridice privirea, și de celelalte două-trei cameriste, la fel de amărîte de soarta lor.”
“Life up here may be simple but it’s not easy, and it’s not for everyone. Water runs out; pipes freeze; engines won’t start; it’s dark for eighteen, nineteen hours a day, for months. Even longer in the far north. Up here it’s about having enough food to eat, and enough heat to stay alive through the winter. It’s about survival, and enjoying the company of the people that surround us. It’s not about whose house is the biggest, or who has the nicest clothes, or the most money. We support each other because we’re all in this together.“And people either like that way of life or they don’t; there’s no real in-between. People like Wren and Jonah, they find they can’t stay away from it for too long. And people like Susan, well . . . they never warm up to it. They fight the challenges instead of embracing them, or at least learning to adapt to them.” Agnes pauses, her mouth open as if weighing whether she should continue. “I don’t agree with the choices Wren made where you’re concerned, but I know it was never a matter of him not caring about you. And if you want to blame people for not trying, there’s plenty of it to go around.” Agnes turns to smile at me then. “Or you could focus on the here-and-now, and not on what you can’t change.”
“Love is the color in your life. Enjoy all the shades and new sensations that come with it, making you feel alive.”
“Faith in oneself is greater than any face on earth.”
“No one could rival Arthur Less for his ability to exit a room while remaining inside”
“un de ces hommes qui atteignent un tel degré d’excellence à vingt et un ans, dans un domaine par ailleurs limité, que tout, après cela, ne peut avoir qu’un goût de défaite.”
“Life is too short to spend your time pining for someone who isn’t here.”