“Espèce douée d’intelligence… Tu parles ! Faut voir ce qu’on en fait de notre gros cerveau : on sait aller sur la lune et on a le matériel pour faire sauter la planète en quelques secondes, mais la moitié de la popu- lation crève de faim et on ne peut toujours pas soigner le cancer. L’humain, c’est de la grosse saloperie.”

“It is a common condition of being poor… you are always afraid that the good things in your life are temporary, that someone can take them away, because you have no power beyond your own brute strength to stop them.”

“It takes nothing to stay in poverty, but everything to break free from it.”

“Let my body dwell in poverty, and my hands be as the hands of the toiler; but let my soul be as a temple of remembrance where the treasures of knowledge enter and the inner sanctuary is hope.”

“Our hearts of stone become hearts of flesh when we learn where the outcast weeps.”

“I do not want to be rich yet live a life of unhappiness. I also do not want to be poor, because I have never seen happiness in poverty.”

“Some people are way less tortured by poverty than some are tormented by wealth.”

“Money isn’t everything. The same is true of the lack of it.”

“In a materialistic society, being poor but happy is a political statement.”

“It required all his delicate Epicurean education to prevent his doing something about it; he had to repeat over to himself his favorite notions: that the injustice and unhappiness in the world is a constant; that the theory of progress is a delusion; that the poor, never having known happiness, are insensible to misfortune. Like all the rich he could not bring himself to believe that the poor (look at their houses, look at their clothes) could really suffer. Like all the cultivated he believed that only the widely read could be said to know that they were unhappy.”

“His strength for your weakness! His wisdom for your folly! His drive for your drift! His grace for your greed! His love for your lust! His peace for your problems! His joy for your sorrow! His plenty for your poverty!”

“The man with toothache thinks everyone happy whose teeth are sound.The poverty stricken man makes the same mistake about the rich man.”

“In Kilanga, people knew nothing of things they might have had – a Frigidaire? a washer-dryer combination? Really, they’d sooner imagine a tree that could pull up its feet and go bake bread. It didn’t occur to them to feel sorry for themselves.”

“I died last night. Seventy years too young.”