“Life is a question asked by God about the way he exists.”

“He wondered about himself (whether he was broken, or special, or better, or worse) and about other people (whether they were really all as stupid as they seemed).”

“There are many problems which could only be solved by generations which are still to be born later. It’s only one way of many how God gives answers to human problems and prayers.”

“I have so often been asked the question: “But how did you come to think of The Scarlet Pimpernel?” And my answer has always been: “It was God’s will that I should.” And to you moderns, who perhaps do not believe as I do, I will say, “In the chain of my life, there were so many links, all of which tended towards bringing me to the fulfillment of my destiny.”

“To seek truth requires one to ask the right questions. Those void of truth never ask about anything because their ego and arrogance prevent them from doing so. Therefore, they will always remain ignorant. Those on the right path to Truth are extremely heart-driven and childlike in their quest, always asking questions, always wanting to understand and know everything — and are not afraid to admit they don’t know something. However, every truth seeker does need to breakdown their ego first to see Truth. If the mind is in the way, the heart won’t see anything.”

“When you find an answer, let me know because I’m dying to know what the question was.”

“How had they met? By chance, like everybody else. What were there names? What’s it to you? Where were they coming from? From the nearest place. Where were they going? Does anyone really know where they’re going?”

“The whole image is that eternal suffering awaits anyone who questions God’s infinite love. That’s the message we’re brought up with, isn’t it? Believe or die! Thank you, forgiving Lord, for all those options.”

“Exactly!” said Deep Thought. “So once you do know what the question actually is, you’ll know what the answer means.”