“He who has rejected his demons badgers us to death with his angels”

“They say love is blind…but it isn’t. Love is perfect sight. Love is the ability to see a person, I mean really see him-his strengths, his weaknesses, his flaws, all his past triumphs and mistakes-and view that person not as the world says you’re supposed to see him, but as you see him-as that special someone you know you will always embrace, body and soul, no matter what anyone else says or thinks I know I can’t tell anyone what I’ve been through. I know they wouldn’t understand. They don’t see him the way that I see him. All they know is the legend, the darkness. They don’t know the inner beauty, the warmth and the joy more intense than anything I ever thought was possible to experience. They don’t know the truth behind the name. My angel. My only. Lucifer.”

“[Saint Anthony] said, in his solitude, he sometimes encountered devils who looked like angels, and other times he found angels who looked like devils. When asked how he could tell the difference, the saint said that you can only tell which is which by the way you feel after the creature has left your company.”

“Every angel is terrifying.”

“Poets are damned… but see with the eyes of angels.”

“And second, keep in mind that you are a weapon. In theory, when you’re done with training, you should be able to kick a hole in a wall or knock out a moose with a single punch.””I would never hit a moose,” said Clary. “They’re endangered.”

“It’s when we realize that each of us can fly that we become angels.”

“It’s the sounds of life; the smiles on people’s faces; and the love in everyone’s heart that lets you know that there are angels around.”

“There is one kind of laugh that I always did recommend; it looks out of the eye first with a merry twinkle, then it creeps down on its hands and knees and plays around the mouth like a pretty moth around the blaze of a candle, then it steals over into the dimples of the cheeks and rides around in those whirlpools for a while, then it lights up the whole face like the mellow bloom on a damask rose, then it swims up on the air, with a peal as clear and as happy as a dinner-bell, then it goes back again on gold tiptoes like an angel out for an airing, and it lies down on its little bed of violets in the heart where it came from.”

“Fairies with gossamer wings, Bring forth beauty, grace and joyful things. Fairies of the earth are caretakers of our soil, water and trees,They watch over beautiful creatures such as bears, bunnies and bees.Fairies ask that you breathe in and appreciate the vantage point from which you stand,Then trod carefully and respectfully with each intentional step you make across this beautiful land.”

“When angels visit us, we do not hear the rustle of wings, nor feel the feathery touch of the breast of a dove; but we know their presence by the love they create in our hearts.”

“What happens in this book is merely a journey from one evil mind to the next and what happens when the spiritual meets the natural. Let me lift the curtain as we enter the screaming terrors of the demonic and reveal what lies beneath the surface, literally speaking.”