“You sound so reasonable for a man who’s been jilted. Can’t you sound a bit angry? You just lost the best sex of your life. Punch a wall or something!”

“[THE DAILY BREATH]What do you do when you’ve made mistakes and you can’t wash away by yourself the guilt you now have to live with? What do you do when you feel you are all alone, struggling in secret with hurt and pain you cannot share with others? What do you do when you reach the point when the books don’t work, when your friends can’t and won’t do anything more for you, when the psychological techniques and the meditations fail, when the experts raise their shoulders because they don’t know how to help you, when you feel abandoned with no way out?Religious people will tell you that you cannot come before God because you are dirty or not good enough, but I tell you: go before God because this is the only thing that will truly heal your life. Just as you are, naked, broken, dirty and hurt, walk before Jesus and tell Him everything on your heart. You cannot even grasp now the mercy and grace you receive when you open your heart to Him.”

“So I died many times that year.In the cold, in the storm, on the run or on the drunk for my heart did not want to beatbut kept on beating anywayand my pain was as real as real can be,and I tried to learn and deal and run and feelbut nothing really worked.I built a comfortable home in my sorrow and settled into a quiet living. No sparks or grand gestures, just a simple daily hymn to comfort. The leaves fell off the trees and coloured this city in all kinds of pretty, and some days that was enough to make me smile at least a little bit, within.”

“You see, I was my own monster. When you don’t have hope, something can grow inside of you that will just keep hurting, biting, snarling, and you can sink farther and let that monster overtake you.Some people don’t fight back. They might hurt others, hurt themselves, or just—relinquish the fight for happiness.”

“The whole world is indeed trapped by misery. What is the misery about? Due to ignorance of one’s own Real Self (agnanta). Due to ignorance of one’s own Real Self (agnanta), attachment-abhorrence (raag-dwesh) keeps on occuring, which leads to this misery. Only through Gnan [Knowledge of the Real Self] can one prevail in a misery-free state. There is no other solution at all.”

“Others words can only affect us if we give them worth with our reaction.By remembering that it’s usually the ones who are hurting, that hurt others.We are all searching in the darkness,Holding out our hand ready to hold each other again…When we learn to forgive.”

“The past will never find you to hurt you, but it never forgets to remind you of the lessons you have learned from the successes and failures of the past.”

“May you suffer enough tragedy to gain a vast knowledge and understanding of life.”

“Mad Ireland hurt you into poetry.”

“I wonder if it hurts to live,And if they have to try,And whether, could they choose between,They would not rather die.”

“be good to yourselfyou’re the only youyou’ll ever get”

“Because she knew already that this would be the thing that would end them. And that in the deepest part of her, she had known it from the beginning, like someone stubbornly ignoring a weed growing until it blocked out the light.”

“She cannot chain my soul. Yes, she could hurt me. She’d already done so…I would bleed, or not. Scar, or not. Live, or not. But she could not hurt my soul, not unless I gave it to her.”

“They say, ‘The coward dies many times’; so does the beloved. Didn’t the eagle find a fresh liver to tear in Prometheus every time it dined?”