“Everyone wishes to be happy but in this quick fix, fast paced world it’s becoming increasingly difficult to be truly content. While we assume that happiness depends on external factors, it actually has a lot to do with our attitude and perspective.”

“Sometimes, changing just one thought, view, belief or behaviour can change your entire life.”

“It’s humbling to think how different you would be if you were born in a different time.”

“When you pay rent, you are paying for permission to be on a piece of land that predates the landlord by billions of years.”

“There are 1,198,500,000 people alive now in China. To get a feel for what that means, simply take yourself – in all your singularity, importance, complexity, and love – and multiply by 1,198,500,000. See? Nothing to it.”

“Be like the flower, content with its nature.”

“My story is of such marvel that if it were written with a needle on the corner of an eye, it would yet serve as a lesson to those who seek wisdom.”

“When you feel life at crossroads,you need higher perspective view.”

“You can enjoy a deep sense of satisfaction and happiness in life despite challenging circumstances. It’s all in how you think about it.”

“At times the whole world seems to be in conspiracy to importune you with emphatic trifles. Friend, client, child, sickness, fear, want, charity, all knock at once at thy closet door and say,—’Come out unto us.’ But keep thy state; come not into their confusion. The power men possess to annoy me I give them by a weak curiosity. No man can come near me but through my act.”