“I mostly want to remind her of the recipes of healing, and give her my own made-on-the spot remedy for the easing of her pain. I tell her, “Get a pen. Stop crying so you can write this down and start working on it tonight.” My remedy is long. But the last item on the list says: “When you wake up and find yourself living someplace where there is nobody you love and trust, no community, it is time to leave town – to pack up and go (you can even go tonight). And where you need to go is any place where there are arms that can hold you, that will not let you go.”

“If Aphrodite chills at home in Cyprus for most of the year, then Fez must be the goddess’s playground.”

“It’s in those quiet little towns, at the edge of the world, that you will find the salt of the earth people who make you feel right at home.”

“Those who achieve the extraordinary are usually the most ordinary because they have nothing to prove to anybody. Be Humble.”

“One cannot expect to travel far without faith.”

“If God speaks universes into existence, I doubt a handful of stones and bones will keep Him out.”

“I’m telling you, if you listen carefully, the rocks are still crying out.”

“You will meet great beings when you come out of the well and see the world.”

“Life is this car where you can not just be a passenger and look at the landscape, waiting to reach the destination without having to drive.”

“They say the sky is the same everywhere. Travellers, the shipwrecked, exiles, and the dying draw comfort from the thought[.]”

“I’m heading for a clean-named placelike Wisconsin, and mad as a jack-o’-lantern, will get therewithout help and nosy proclivities.”

“A young gratuitous smile; trust and distrust;Promiscuities of bed and board and road; The one assured treasureA life, in recollection, truly possessed.”

“Oh! That was poetry!” said Pippin. “Do you really mean to start before the break of day?”

“لا أعلم كيف أخذتني الأمواج وحملتني وطرحتني خارجها إلى يابسة لم تطأها قدماي من قبل. التصقتْ رمالُ الشاطئ بوجنتي الملامسة للأرض. كنت أقرب إلى البرزخ من الاستفاقة، وإلى الغيبوبة من الصحوة. أهلوس بأسماء غريبة، وأصرخ بصوت غير مسموع”