“There is a correlation between how seriously we take life and the number of problems we have.”

“Money isn’t everything. The same is true of the lack of it.”

“Most sane people feel happy way less often than they act happy.”

“The happiest people are not those who have the most, but those who are the most grateful for what they have.”

“In a materialistic society, being poor but happy is a political statement.”

“An untamed mind is usually doing its level best to attain or to retain unhappiness.”

“You cannot, at the very same time, be grateful and unhappy, or ungrateful and happy.”

“Most sane human beings’ chances of being alive in a thousand years’ time are a hundred times higher than their chances of being sincerely happy for at least ten consecutive days.”

“To be happy, you have to risk being unhappy.”

“The pretty ones are usually unhappy. They expect everyone to be enamored of their beauty. How can a person be content when their happiness lies in someone else’s hands, ready to be crushed at any moment? Ordinary-looking people are far superior, because they are forced to actually work hard to achieve their goals, instead of expecting people to fall all over themselves to help them.”

“We don’t even ask happiness, just a little less pain.”

“In our time mass or collective production has entered our economics, our politics, even our religion, so that some nations have substituted the idea collective for the idea God. This in my time is the danger. There is great tension in the world, tension toward a breaking point, and men are unhappy and confused. At such a time it seems natural and good to me to ask myself these questions. What do I believe in? What must I fight for and what must I fight against?”

“Don’t knock yourself!There’s plenty of other people standing in line to do that for you.”

“I’m like a starving man who has been given food. Maybe he’s cold, and his clothes are torn, and he’s ashamed, but he’s not unhappy.”