All Quotes By Tag: Book-quotes
“Don’t believe in everything that is written. Not everything that is written is true”
“One author said “I write because I want to live a footprint in the sands of history.” It’s hard to live a footprint in the sands of history when giants are passing through the same sands unless you are one of the giants”
“When you go against the flow of nature and betray the spiritual laws existing within, there is, and always will be, a negative reaction. Those who try escaping life before fate shakes their hand, will forever be stuck on earth, chained to the place they so badly wanted to leave. What a complicated misery. I guarantee you it will be torture to be invisible and ignored by those you love when you can see them – but you are already dead for them to hear you utter another word. Talk about agony, more so, than remaining on this plane and continuing your spiritual cycle as it was written to be lived.”
“The only way to thrive in the future is to focus on what you love, develop knowledge and skills in the service of your passion, and be relentless in doing the work.”
“The power of a writer is that he is a god of sorts. He can create his own worlds and populate them with his own people, all by the powers of his imagination. It’s the closest a man can come close to the gods. No wonder the most successful writers are considered immortals”
“I used to be afraid about what people might say or think after reading what I had written. I am not afraid anymore, because when I write, I am not trying to prove anything to anyone, I am just expressing myself and my opinions. It’s ok if my opinions are different from those of the reader, each of us can have his own opinions. So writing is like talking, if you are afraid of writing, you may end up being afraid of talking”
“When love dies, the heart’s ashes do not leave on the wind—they rest on the mantelpiece of the soul, darkening the sunrise we once saw to be beautiful.”
“As long as you can look fearlessly at the sky, you’ll know that you’re pure within and will find happiness once more.”
“This morning, when I was sitting in front of the window and taking a long, deep look outside at God and nature, I was happy, just plain happy. Peter, as long as people feel that kind of happiness within themselves, the joy of nature, health and much more besides, they’ll always be able to recapture that happiness. Riches, prestige, everything can be lost. But the happiness in your own heart can only be dimmed; it will always be there, as long as you live, to make you happy again.”
“Faith allows your soulto break free and travel to placesyour envious mind rarelygrants it permission to visit.”
“She is a mother.When you look at her, you see the purest love of all. That love gives her away. That kind of love only mothers radiate.”
“Oh, come on. Since when have the Fates granted anyone anything when they are stressing out about it?”
“Confusion, obsession, and potential love walk hand-in-hand.”
“As you get more secure in love, as you give into it, it will stop feeling confusing. I promise. It will give you more confidence than you have ever experienced before.”
“The truth is I do love you. Admitting that means opening myself up to all that pain when you leave. After you realize this wasn’t love, but gratitude.”