“Each step is but a move toward integration, along the chosen path.”

“Grit is the persistence in following your own destiny”

“Risk is one of the qualities of any good decision. This is so because, decision itself is a risk. Therefore, making a decision literally means, taking a risk… In tracing the histories of successful men and women, the first thing to notice in their lives is risk.”

“We all know that there is a reward for every labour as well as there is a reward for every game played and won. How committed you are in life determines your reward.”

“It’s in those quiet little towns, at the edge of the world, that you will find the salt of the earth people who make you feel right at home.”

“Those who achieve the extraordinary are usually the most ordinary because they have nothing to prove to anybody. Be Humble.”

“Ако съдбата не те разсмива, ти просто не схващаш шегата.”

“I’ll keep looking- till that watery reflection of mine in your eye, rolls down as a tear. I’ll keep looking till we finally look away like our lives never met. Let’s cheat destiny as if we never knew each other. Let’s do this last thing together.”

“When you follow your heartEvery destination leads to somewhere beautiful”

“As a younger man, I burned with enthusiasm for my work: I was to be a warrior, the champion of reviled or exiled passions. I would assail the forces marshaled to enslave these passions, the tyrannies imposed in the name of factitious moralities, the sadistic compulsions disguised as highest law. I would be, in my silent, expensive way, the apostle of a thrilling freedom. When did it abandon me, that faith? How often have I heard it repeated, nearly verbatim, that commonplace of every educated, sophisticated patient: I don’t believe in judgment, in divine judgment; I don’t believe that someone is sitting up in the sky frowning down at me. In the past I would have thought: Yes, you do— and that is your problem. In the fullness of time I would assist them in shaking free of this secret conviction. Now, though, my calling has deserted me. The premise wasn’t wrong: most patients suffer more than they know from obscure inner persecutions. What I did not realize, however, was how deeply I myself believed in such a judgment, how along with my patients I embraced with inalienable fidelity that very conviction. This conviction did not presume a personified judge— bearded, severe, enthroned. It presumed instead a law, inhuman, abstract, and implacable, the law to which we owed our lives, the law to which we owed our reckoning. Failure, worth, crisis, potential, fulfillment. Every patient returns to these words again and again. They are the words from which my profession is made, and each of these words presumes a judgment, a mark attained or missed. No one enters my office who does not believe in his very marrow that judgment, some judgment, is absolute and fixed. The person I am meant to be: that mythical creature, that being whom each patient longs and dreads to become, is itself a judgment, a standard one does not devise but to which one must account. What or who set the standard? What or who measured the body for its soul? What or who meant them to be the people they were meant to be? I am certain: belief in judgment is not what my patients reject or grow out of. The belief in judgment is what they cling to. Beneath their affections and afflictions, judgment is their one true love.”

“Breathlessly you reach the station just as the train is arriving! But alas, the train doesn’t stop. It keeps going. It doesn’t care how forlorn you look as it passes by. It doesn’t even see you! But wait. What’s that sound in the distance? Another train is coming soon and it is yours. A train that will take you to a more beautiful place.”

“Every breath we take from the airTakes oxygen from an insect’s lungs mid-prayerAnd every exhalation does loudly declareThat in the currency of life, we’re millionaires.A butterfly flapped it’s wings and Rome fellA passerby’s whistle cracked the liberty bellAnd I dare urge the daring not to yellLest we so bid a skyscraper a rough farewell.A snake’s tongue slithered and man did sinLet me tell you how the waves from a shark’s finDid set the tides on D-Day and let the allies win;Chance and destiny are identical twins.A word was spoken and the earth createdAnother phrase and the future was dictatedAnd so every action must be carefully weightedWe just never know how things are interrelated.”

“If we have faith that some higher powers, some enlightened beings, are helping us to develop spiritually, then you begin to relate to life completely differently. And I suppose life starts to become a little more magical. Every opportunity must be seen as a chance to learn. We have to be open to whatever happens, good or bad. Because anything that happens is a chance to increase our wisdom, and to walk further down the path to enlightenment. So if you miss the bus, that’s an opportunity to learn. If you become ill, that’s an opportunity to learn something new, like compassion maybe. – 319”

“Destiny takes away something from us and then we surrender our whole self to destiny; the biggest mistake a man can make.”

“Life is this car where you can not just be a passenger and look at the landscape, waiting to reach the destination without having to drive.”