“Too much study wears the body. BUT the truth refreshes the soul, sustains the spirit for a beautiful body.”

“Mortal minds are always unsettled by eternal things; they want to catch the infinite and nail it down to something finite. Impossible!”

“When people challenge your ideas, they help you (whether they know it or not).”

“Civilization is a myth. That is the truth this world has taught us. We have not risen above our baser instincts… That is what always has and always will drive us.”

“Remember, Pia,” he whispers. “Perfect is as perfect does.”

“And we remember that there must be a balance. No birth without death. No life without tears. What is taken from the world must be given back, and from him who takes and does not give back, who would tip the balance of the river, from him all will be taken. No one should live forever, but should give his blood to the river when the time comes so that tomorrow another may live. And so it goes.”

“THREE BASIC TRUTHSThree things have a limited threshold: Time, pain, and death.While truth, love, and knowledge –Are boundless.Three things are needed For humanity to co-exist:Truth, peace and basic needs.Everything else -Is irrelevant.”

“Immortality: “It is impossible to be conscious of being unconscious.”It is not possible to be aware of being unconscious from your own perspective. You cannot be aware of not being aware. You can be less aware/conscious, such as when you are asleep, but not completely unconscious (dead), because time would stand still for you. A billion years could pass, and you would not know it.How do you know you are dead? It is not possible to be aware of any gaps in life; it is continuous and never-ending from your own point of view.Death and birth are a continuous event from your own perspective.You will die physically, but you will be born into a new physical body. Being born happens, or you would not be here now. You were born into this life. It is what we know happens. There is no evidence anything else happens. True or false?”

“Daylight tricks you into thinking what you see is truth, lets you go through life thinking you know everything. But the truth is we are sleepwalkers. We walk through the night that is chaos and dark and forever keeps its truth to itself.”

“It takes courage to become authentic. So many talk about the light but not enough speak the truth about the struggles it takes to get there and the tools to overcome it all.”

“The principles you know determines what you get”

“People hide truths about themselves from themselves. Such self-deception is a coping mechanism, and to one extent or another, most people begin deceiving themselves when they’re children.”

“In my experience, it is always worth it to find the love that lives inside you. No matter how deep you have to dig sometimes.”

“Be honest. This applies to every area of your life. Sketchiness is not an attractive trait. No more trying to cover up your baggage, sweeping things under the rug, withholding truth, blatant lying, or even telling seemingly ‘harmless’ white lies or half-truths – release the need to lie completely! Start NOW.”

“Well, when you wonder something,” said Eli, “doesn’t that mean part of you wants to believe in it? I think we want to prove things, in life, more then we want to disprove them. We want to believe.”