“God is a consuming fire.”

“Without forgiveness, there is no fellowships.”

“Whoever has hope, shall be happy.”

“The efforts to rise from darkness into light, from ignorance to knowledge, from prejudices to free thinking, make us real wise beings.”

“A scientist is not to teach humans, but to serve humans A philosopher is not to teach humans, but to serve humans. A preacher is not to preach humans, but to serve humans. Any individual who possesses higher intellect than the general population, is meant to be at the forefront of service to humanity.”

“Don’t feel the need to vent or complain, no matter how badly you would like to express your feelings. When it comes to speaking of those in power, always think of the consequences. Think about how those around you will perceive what you have to say. Will what you say be of advantage to you or will it hurt you in the end?”

“If you read proverbs, you will find answers to every puzzle.”

“The only time I really feel the urge to compose myself it’s when I’m writing or speaking.”

“One good thing about inspiration is that you don’t go for it, it comes to you naturally. Sometimes without even thinking.”

“It was not curiosity that killed the goose who laid the golden egg, but an insatiable greed that devoured common sense.”