“I can do this… I can start over. I can save my own life and I’m never going to be alone as long as I have stars to wish on and people to still love.”

“Stop trying to be less of who you are. Let this time in your life cut you open and drain all of the things that are holding you back.”

“You are Fire!Don’t believe these mere mortals.They want to put you on a pedestaland sing paeans to you;later they would burn youin the altar of that same fire!Stand away and stand alone!You are limitless!But these mortals can only limit your sky!You are the Universe!But they will only give you a little space!Break free! It’s a trap!They want to cage you!Because, they are afraid of your real power!You are a woman.You are the fire!You are all conquering.You are all powerful!You are Supreme!You were not born to be a mere beauty queen!!”

“Dear Princess, One day you will stand in the mirror to see the woman that you have become, your beauty would drown your scars, your victories would be more than your battles, you will finally see yourself through the eyes of the father. Pay attention to the process, God’s process is as good as the outcome HE pursues.”

“…ducks and geese are foolish things, and must be looked after, but girls can take care of themselves.”

“It’s not very easy to grow up into a woman. We are always taught, almost bombarded, with ideals of what we should be at every age in our lives: “This is what you should wear at age twenty”, “That is what you must act like at age twenty-five”, “This is what you should be doing when you are seventeen.” But amidst all the many voices that bark all these orders and set all of these ideals for girls today, there lacks the voice of assurance. There is no comfort and assurance. I want to be able to say, that there are four things admirable for a woman to be, at any age! Whether you are four or forty-four or nineteen! It’s always wonderful to be elegant, it’s always fashionable to have grace, it’s always glamorous to be brave, and it’s always important to own a delectable perfume! Yes, wearing a beautiful fragrance is in style at any age!”

“I can’t over-emphasize how important an exquisite perfume is, to be wrapped and cradled in an enchanting scent upon your skin is a magic all on its own! The notes in that precious liquid will remind you that you love yourself and will tell other people that they ought to love you because you know that you’re worth it. The love affair created by a good perfume between you and other people, you and nature, you and yourself, you and your memories and anticipations and hopes and dreams; it is all too beautiful a thing!”

“All of them are the same type; girls with overprocessed hair and too much makeup and way too much access to Daddy’s credit cards. Girls who, if you took away the designer labels, hair dye and cover-up, wouldn’t be more than average-looking, but with all that stuff look too plastic to be pretty.”

“I could watch him do this until morning — never asking questions and never interrupting his work. I worship quietly — his intense focus and attention to detail and then, out of no where, I realize the inconvenient, inappropriate truth: ‘I love this man… and it has swallowed me.”

“A crease found it’s way onto Joss’s forehead. Because he was certain that Sirus was wrong. Girls were more complicated than boys. Girls communicated in a language that only they understood. And Joss wasn’t sure at all that he would ever understand them.”

“The day came when she discovered sex, sensuality, and literature; she said, ‘I submit! Let my life be henceforth ruled by poetry. Let me reign as the queen of my dreams until I become nothing less than the heroine of God.”