All Quotes By Tag: Struggle
“Giving 100% doesn’t mean that every day you will accomplish more than the last, it means you give your best attempt each day. Some days you will struggle, some days will be hard but if you focus solely on doing what you can in each moment, the day will not be lost. Focus on doing what you can when you can.”
“You can look at your struggles as a life-ruining problem or you can see your struggles as a challenge to make you better.”
“There may be a struggle in the beginning to find the motivation to continue day after day but if you remember why you started in the first place, you will always have a reason to continue.”
“The greatest struggle you will overcome is the struggle against yourself.”
“I was not formed through ease of living. I was created through struggle, made better in the hard times.”
“you gotta count your blessings in money and your money in millions”
“Creativity without discipline will struggle, creativity with discipline will succeed.”
“It’s in those quiet little towns, at the edge of the world, that you will find the salt of the earth people who make you feel right at home.”
“Those who achieve the extraordinary are usually the most ordinary because they have nothing to prove to anybody. Be Humble.”
“Compassion begins when we realise that we are all struggling in our own way”
“You wonder why you can’t see me,Sense me, feel me…?When you are outpouring your emotion,it is like me trying to climb up a waterfallTo get to you.But if you are calm and have faith in me,I can sail right over to youOn the still waters of your soul.”
“What if we could actually get to the place where we thanked God for letting us face this battle because of the rich treasures we discovered on the battlefield?”
“You never have anything because you fought for nothing.”
“Struggle is not about fighting.struggle is something whichwill convert your bad daysinto your better days.”
“There is a goodness in the world that got me through, that taught me it’s important to know who you are.”