All Quotes By Tag: Freedom
“…In the end, there’s no sort of difference between dying from ignorance and dying under the feet of thousands of men who have regained their freedom. You close your eyes, and then there’s nothing anymore. And death is never difficult. It requires neither a hero nor a slave. It eats what it’s served.”
“I had a dove and the sweet dove died; And I have thought it died of grieving: O, what could it grieve for? Its feet were tied, With a silken thread of my own hand’s weaving.”
“Love does not claim materialistic possession of any kind, it yields complete freedom.”
“In a pine tree,A few yards away from my window sill,A brilliant blue jay is springing up and down, up and down,On a branch.I laugh, as I see him abandon himselfTo entire delight, for he knows as well as I doThat the branch will not break.”
“It would kill the past, and when that was dead, he would be free.”
“I am not ready to die,But I am learning to trust deathAs I have trusted life.I am movingToward a new freedom”
“How can the heart and mind work together? The mind wants logic and to travel in straight lines, while the heart wants to be free and travel upward in spirals to dizzying heights.”
“Please don’t be overly sober with your precious wings, it’s your addiction to freedom that makes me think that i too can defy gravity.”
“A wise man once said, ‘Life is like breathing. If you try to hold it, you’ll lose it. But let it come & go & you’ll always be connected to it.’”
“Some situations are just like bad dreams, they’re only unbearable while we’re giving them our full attention.”
“You’ll always be curious yet deliriously sinking into whatever your nightmare is until you let your wings know you’re serious by leaping into your wildest dreams of self love.”
“Live in the shadow of the moon until you’re bright enough to give birth to your own suns.”
“I wanted freedom in the same way I wanted my next breath: an unspoken but constant desire.”
“beneath the pain of your fears, wild and ready, lives your truth, the essence of your singular beauty, hoping, waiting for you to set it free.”
“Grow your courage by remembering each day is a gift.”