“Don’t make the mistake of ruining your future, so that you can save your past. You’ve got this one, precious life. So what are you gonna do with it?”

“Don’t waste time defending your intentions. History will judge you by the outcomes of your actions”

“Live a life that fits your specific circumstances, not one that fits someone else’s expectations”

“Success does not start at the top; it begins by deciding to get up from the bottom.”

“Delight in the pursuit, surrender to imperfection, and marvel at the wonder – as you observe what is.”

“Don’t live the same day over and over again and call that a life. Life is about evolving mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.”

“Mit Gedanken ist es manchmal wie mit dem Nebel an einem See. Sie trüben im ersten Moment unsere Sicht bis sie sich in einem Moment der Stille zuerst in Klarheit verwandeln und dann in Luft auflösen.”

“Today I choose self acceptance. Today I choose to walk in the direction of simply what feels good to me. Today I believe my spirit instead of my thoughts. Today I am free.”