“Your agreement with reality defines your life.”

“To witness miracles unfold in your experience, count your blessings and be thankful. Perceived small blessings accumulate to be the most powerful.”

“Perception can be one-sided or variant: “Glass half empty or half full.” There usually is more than one way of perceiving. Thoroughly check your inner dialogue.”

“And then it occurs to me. They are frightened. In me, they see their own daughters, just as ignorant, just as unmindful of all the truths and hopes they have brought to America. They see daughters who grow impatient when their mothers talk in Chinese, who think they are stupid when they explain things in fractured English. They see that joy and luck do not mean the same to their daughters, that to these closed American-born minds “joy luck” is not a word, it does not exist. They see daughters who will bear grandchildren born without any connecting hope passed from generation to generation.”

“It doesn’t matter if things are good as long as people think they are. Perception.”

“Life will never get better. It will only get tougher and tougher.But what will really change is, you know? My attitude, will power & perception!”

“Wisdom comes from knowing that what others say about you is not your reality. It’s their reality.”

“Judgments are the only possible cause of unhappiness and happiness.”

“If everyone perceives a different reality based on their unique physical and psychological attributes, their histories, needs, and desires, then whose reality is accurate? The point is, our so-called reality, the world we think we live in, is actually a contrivance. It’s a projection of what we perceive, think, feel, and believe at any given moment. That may sound depressing, but it can be quite the opposite. It can be empowering. Why? Because, if our reality is contrived, it can be adjusted . . . and elevated.”

“Enlightenment does not mean making the most of bad situations. It means knowing that every situation is neither good nor bad.”

“There is a correlation between how seriously we take life and the number of problems we have.”

“A mind set in its ways is wasted. Don’t do it.”

“Be like the flower, content with its nature.”

“all appears to change when we change”

“How to win in life:1 work hard 2 complain less 3 listen more 4 try, learn, grow5 don’t let people tell you it cant be done6 make no excuses”