“I believe … I believe that if there was a start to this, then there has to be an end.”

“lean in to kiss mein all the placeswhere the acheis the most special.”

“His walk and stare. Was as poisonous as the air after a nuclear bomb.”

“Sometimes I think,I need a spare heart to feel all the things I feel.”

“It’s your heart. No one else gets a say in that.”

“I know all about how one moment could haunt you for the rest of your life. How it consumes you and every facet of your life.”

“The colors in both of our eyes bled out, knowing that sometimes the most beautiful pieces of art were created from the darkest of souls.”

“Beauty gives a person power. And camouflage.”

“A moment of silence is actually a very loud moment.”

“Divide the constant tide and random noisiness of energetic flow, with conscious recurring moments of empty mind, solitude, gratitude and deep…slow…breathing. Of this, the natural law of self-preservation demands.”

“It wasn’t exactly love at first sight, but it was deeper than that. A sense of belonging to a place I never knew I wanted but somehow always needed. It was a home that carried a heartbeat.”