All Quotes By Tag: Fitness
“Falling is not failing. Failing is failing to get back up when you fall.”
“Runners don’t just run to strengthen their bodies, they run to strengthen their spirits.”
“Run for fun. Run for exercise. Run for a better life.”
“Your body is made to move so move it.”
“When you run, every step you take leaves your weaker self behind and brings you one step closer to the strongest person you can be.”
“No one has ever said, “Sorry I went running this morning.”
“It is not how fast or how far, but how often you run that makes you a real runner.”
“What makes you a champ isn’t found at the starting line or the finish line, but somewhere in between. You’ve got this. Just keep moving forward.”
“My fears teach me courage. My weaknesses coach me to strength. My scars remind me not to make the same mistakes. I can become who I long to be by loving who I am now.”
“It shouldn’t take a life-changing event to spark change in your life.”
“In my experience, stress is the cause of all injury and pain.”
“If you feel anxiety or depression, you are not in the present. You are either anxiously projecting the future or depressed and stuck in the past. The only thing you have any control over is the present moment; simple breathing exercises can make us calm and present instantly.”
“Health, peace of mind, peak performance, and success in any area of life all depend upon doing the right thing at the right time, in harmony with the cycles of the Four Seasons.”
“When Learning to “LOVE YOURSELF”, you attract two types of energies: Lovers & Haters. Lovers should take you higher, haters should inspire. Both should give you fire to illuminate your environment.”
“I believe in not trying to control things that are out of my control or none of my business.”