“For it is up to you and meto take solacein nostalgia’s armsand our abilityto create the everlastingfrom fleeting moments.”

“Please don’t be overly sober with your precious wings, it’s your addiction to freedom that makes me think that i too can defy gravity.”

“Wise is the one who flavors the future with some salt from the past. Becoming dust is no threat to the phoenix born from the ash.”

“Some situations are just like bad dreams, they’re only unbearable while we’re giving them our full attention.”

“Some teach youwhat can’t be taught,by turning their backon you & helpingyou get internallycloser to everythingyou externallysought.”

“Experience everything;Times of sorrow, times of Joy.Times of darkness, times of light.Times of lost heart, times of hope.Times of hate, times of love.Times of pain , times of peace.Times of distress, times of dancing.Times of sickness, times of recover of strength.Times of lost, times of finding the way.Times of wandering, times of wonder.Times of failure, times of success.Times of fall, times of rise.Time of sowing, times of harvesting.Times of injury , times of healing.Times of waiting, times of fulfilled wish.Times of praying, times of receiving the promise.Times of ploughing, times of planting.Times of dreaming, times of working to achieve the dream.Times of doubt, times of Faith.”

“Happiness lies in hope.”

“To have hope is to be happy.”

“It is my sincerest hope to leave this world in better shape than which I found it. Everyone says that. However the distinction I feel that is necessary to make is. I hope to leave this world better in spite of my departure, not because of it.”

“Why should you boast? You are not saved by your works but by the grace of God.”

“Illusion”A man wants to be freeflying in the emptiness of the universeHe thinks he means somethingin the endlessness of natureA man wakes upbeing only a dust”

“Every sin can be forgiven by the heavenly Father.”

“I trust God that through all life changes , He is in control.”

“To repent is to return to God.”

“When your experience, qualifications, and skills fail you. Let your hope, prayer, and faith carry you through.”