All Quotes By Tag: Motivational
“Don’t forget to collect the memories on your journey. Remember, if you only focus on your destination, you will miss out on the benefits of the journey.”
“Live as many lives as you can.”
“what if I fall? oh, my darling, but if you fly?”
“Please don’t be overly sober with your precious wings, it’s your addiction to freedom that makes me think that i too can defy gravity.”
“Wise is the one who flavors the future with some salt from the past. Becoming dust is no threat to the phoenix born from the ash.”
“You’ll always be curious yet deliriously sinking into whatever your nightmare is until you let your wings know you’re serious by leaping into your wildest dreams of self love.”
“You alwaysdrop by, to en-lighten my mind,when my wings arefeeling heavy &i’ve forgottenhow tofly.”
“Some teach youwhat can’t be taught,by turning their backon you & helpingyou get internallycloser to everythingyou externallysought.”
“Live in the shadow of the moon until you’re bright enough to give birth to your own suns.”
“Just please understand that everyone is going through a rough time as well. Even if they are hiding behind money or a simple smile. We are all continuously stumbling as we go about our lives. If we had perfect lives we’d all be perfect people. Only thing we can learn to do is endure or we will not be happy and happiness is the closest thing to perfect.”
“Each timewe bow to thefeet of anythingwe find riveting,the mind rises tobe surprised withnew crowningdiamonds ofcreativity.”
“Is there any hope for the dead?”
“We perish, when we lose hope.”
“Your hope shall be your life.”
“No matter what happens to us, as long as we have hope, we shall recover.”