“حلقه تسلم اخري .. لو فقدت حلقه زتحدة بين تلك الحلقات , حلقه واحده فقط , لما كنت احمل صخورا بهذا البلد او أجلس بجوارك الأن في هذه الغرفه, ثم تابعت بعدما صمتت برهه “-كنت اظن ان القدر سمح لي بمنافسته لإنقاذ خالد و لكنه في الحقيقه تركني اصنع بيدي حلقه من حلقاته أكمل بها طريقي الذي اختاره لي”

“A spiritual practice is anything that makes you feel more beautiful inside you.”

“Kirtan is spiritually uplifting! It spreads its beautiful, peaceful vibrations and uplifts the soul!”

“Wise individuals frequently say very little, but what they do say hits the mark. Such remarks often remain in the mind of the recipient for a long time, possibly a lifetime.”

“Many people are so poor that the only thing they have is money. Cultivate your spiritual growth.”

“RescueI took my heart back. Beacuse no one could treasure it in the way they should have.”

“Evolution: We are betraying the stars That died to bring us to life As we walk with heads down Born from trouble and strife We can be more When we realize that we were never less And be the fairy godmother to the gemstones We veil within our chest.”

“We love with all our heart, in every way that we can love but the heart is not burdened. We learn to keep it light and pliable. It has space. It breathes. It waits on Life to give instructions. It sings with sweetness when the winds are soft and warm. It stands with calm patience when the storm is brewing. It lets go when death and seeming endings have left their irrefutable mark. It moves. It heals. It hopes. It allows Life to be lived in the safe, fertile, and still inner space where it grows stronger and more compelling every day.”

“We do not engage in idle or intentional gossip which undermines someone else’s integrity or which spreads the seeds of fear by talking unthinkingly about illness, disasters, and all the other fears which run rampant in the world.”

“True confidence is not about what you take from someone to restore yourself, but what you give back to your critics because they need it more than you do.”

“When you find yourself in need of spiritual nourishment, it is in the opportunities to serve others that you will find the abundance you seek.”

“Believe in yourself, your abilities and your own potential. Never let self-doubt hold you captive. You are worthy of all that you dream of and hope for.”

“You are what you eat.’ And that fact applies infinitely more to your soul than it does your body.”

“We all have a voice. Some a whisper, some a roar. If you can roar, roar for others. If you can only whisper, keep trying. Every roar started small.”