“Some women’s greatest achievement is sleeping with a man who is rich, famous, and/or wanted by many women, whereas some women’s greatest achievement is refusing to sleep with such a man.”

“Be great at what you do and make no apologies for your wins.”

“I’m terrified of the thought of time passing (or whatever is meant by that phrase) whether I ‘do’ anything or not. In a way I may believe, deep down, that doing nothing acts as a brake on ‘time’s – it doesn’t of course. It merely adds the torment of having done nothing, when the time comes when it really doesn’t matter if you’ve done anything or not.”

“Human beings are the only ones in nature who are aware that they will die. For that reason and only for that reason, I have a profound respect for the human race, and I believe that its future is going to be much better than its present. Even knowing that their days are numbered and that everything will end when they least expect it, people make of their lives a battle that is worthy of a being with eternal life. What people regard as vanity-leaving great works, having children, acting in such a way as to prevent one’s name from being forgotten- I regard as the highest expression of human dignity.”

“You can have what you desire if it is a holy dream.”

“Because it’s worth dreaming and expecting the best from you and others, because once you fulfill your dreams you can make other people happy as well.”

“Faith is the force that moves us in the forward motion.”

“If you want fame or wealth or wolves, go out and hunt for them.”

“Realize, rise and act – make mistakes, fall hard, then rise again and try again.”

“Err my friend, but be not defeated and keep on moving.”

“Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will. Doubt and fear are the two villains of success.”

“Oh I know it’s cliché but yeah they say that great men make it in-To places few others who even do take the risk’ve ever been”

“You don’t have to be fast and fearless to achieve success, but you need to be persistent.”

“Achievement is not about ‘doing something.’ Rather, it’s about ‘being someone.”