“You are special and you will always remain.You are amazingly made.You are the first drop found on the dry ground.Where a rainbow appears after a heavy rain”

“Your PAST nor your CURRENT situation DEFINES you – YOU are defined by the CHOICES you make NOW for your future.” ~ Patricia Dsouza #Leadership #Mindset #encouragement #Wisdom @motiquotees @successinspir”

“WE all have our own PATH to follow – STOP walking in someone else’s PATH if it isn’t designed for you.”

“Achieving something gives you a sense of fulfillment; so, create your own happiness by following up on your passions and achieving them.”

“Purse your transformation from a place of freedom and peace.”

“A hard heart won’t give you an easy life”

“Renew your mind with the Word rather than cloud your thoughts with the world!”

“The key to keeping quality people around you is to become a person of quality yourself”

“I’ve come to the point where I never feel the need to stop and evaluate whether or not I am happy. I’m just ‘being’, and without question, by default, it works.”

“Don’t dull the voice of your heart just to please your brainAs it swells into overthought and the desire to be rightSwitch on the light of your inner lamp. Listen to your heart so you can feel from your soulDon’t discount your heart to make your logic fit.”

“Love is supposed to lift you up, not hold you down. It is supposed to push you forward, not hold you back.”

“Policy-makers continue to discover that they cannot solve today’s problems with yesterday’s mindsets”