“It begins in the heart…and it hurts when it’s true.It only hurts because it’s true.”

“But I was not in the band, because I suffer from the kind of tone deafness that is generally associated with actual deafness”

“The best ideas will eat at you for days, maybe even weeks, until something, some incident, some impulse, triggers you to finally express them.”

“To me you are a work of art, and I would give you my heart – that’s if I had one.”

“I don’t mind if you forget me.Having learned my lesson,I never left an impression on anyone.”

“If we are in a general way permitted to regard human activity in the realm of the beautiful as a liberation of the soul, as a release from constraint and restriction, in short to consider that art does actually alleviate the most overpowering and tragic catastrophes by means of the creations it offers to our contemplation and enjoyment, it is the art of music which conducts us to the final summit of that ascent to freedom.”

“It was sad music. But it waved its sadness like a battle flag. It said the universe had done all it could, but you were still alive.”

“Rock ‘n’ roll is not red carpets and MySpace friends, rock’n’roll is dangerous and should piss people off”

“The art of music is good, for the reason, among others, that it produces pleasure; but what proof is it possible to give that pleasure is good? If, then, it is asserted that there is a comprehensive formula, including all things which are in themselves good, and that whatever else is good, is not so as an end, but as a mean, the formula may be accepted or rejected, but is not a subject of what is commonly understood by proof.”

“I can chase you, and I can catch you,but there is nothing I can do to make you mine.”

“The old man slowly raised himself from the piano stool, fixed those cheerful blue eyes piercingly and at the same time with unimaginable friendliness upon him, and said: “Making music together is the best way for two people to become friends. There is none easier. That is a fine thing. I hope you and I shall remain friends. Perhaps you too will learn how to make fugues, Joseph.”

“The shortest distance between two people is a smile.”