“Ancient aphorisms outlived centuries. Modern aphorisms can barеly survive from book to book.”

“Happiness is within without sadness….”

“I’ve come to the point where I never feel the need to stop and evaluate whether or not I am happy. I’m just ‘being’, and without question, by default, it works.”

“Once you’ve read too many trashy best-sellers, you begin to look for something with substance, something that attempts to define the universe.”

“There was a time when skepticism was an act of rebellion. Since to a degree I both believe in evolution and have faith, I can only conclude that, as prophesied, to have faith will someday be an act of rebellion.”

“The problem with a life spent reading is you know too much.”

“This is the fast lane, folks…and some of us like it here.”

“I’d heard you were dead.””I heard you wear a red lace corset,” I said matter-of-factly. “But I don’t believe every bit of nonsense that gets rumored about.”

“Histories make men wise; poets, witty; the mathematics, subtle; natural philosophy, deep; moral, grave; logic and rhetoric, able to contend.”

“When you are angry try your best to go to sleep, it keeps you away from speaking, writing and thinking while you are angry.”

“If an apology is followed by an excuse or a reason, it means they are going to commit same mistake again they just apologized for.”