“Sometimes it’s best not to examine someone’s intentions, and just take them for the asshole they really are.”

“Oliver thought there weren’t many standards to being a human being. His philosophy was to take a person for what makes them smile, and then leave them the hell alone. People have awful lives all over and they still manage to be good to others. He believed all you should really be is kind – that’s it.”

“(Poetry) helped me to find a silver lining in even the darkest emotions, experiences, observations and topics; find positivity even in the face of extreme negativity; find strength when I was being forced to feel weak; and find hope that my tomorrows would be brighter.”

“Beauty can be born out of not only love, but also pain and other motivations.”

“Sometimes we bookmark our pain so later we may come back to it.”

“It shouldn’t matter what I say, but rather, how you feel—don’t listen to the words of people. Instead, listen to your heart. It doesn’t lie, and it is speaking just as loudly.”

“I think what we want is within us from the beginning. I think fear can distract us from knowing the truth of who we are and what we want.”

“Sometimes we can’t find our future until we settle our past.”

“Happiness is a frightening state of being. If we let ourselves be happy, then there is something that can always be taken from us. In one minute, one second, everything can change.”

“I learned another thing from the hurt my cousin gave me – never to give that kind of hurt to anyone else. My revenge was to change a bad feeling into a good one. If I’m working with you and I sense you’re feeling a little insecure, I try to make you feel great. That’s how I get rid of my old hurt. If I don’t do that, my hurt grows and makes me mean and vengeful. But if hurt can change to kindness – that’s something Mama showed me – the world becomes a little less cruel.”

“Distance increases love but severe distances permanently vanish it.”

“What is happening in your world right now is your message, your sign, your omen… Everything you want to “know” is found in the way you love, the way you live, and how you respond to life.”

“No podía sentirme una perdedora en el amor cuando me rodeaba en todas las versiones de Paloma.”

“God loves justice and He desires mankind to love the same.”

“Mistakes we make in the past sometimes keep us connected. Heartache sometimes keeps us connected.”