All Quotes By Tag: Gift
“Never mind those failures till yesterday. Each new day is a sequel of a wonderful life; gifted with hopes to succeed.”
“Life, for the living, is a gift of opportunity; an exercise of the will to choose.”
“Past and future is determined by what is now…right now! This is why the present is a gift; the only one that ultimately matters most.”
“If you’re waiting until you feel talented enough to make it, you’ll never make it.”
“LOVE is and will ALWAYS be the greatest GIFT ƸӜƷ”
“Every morning is a gift of life – bring some smile on your face and welcome the happiness of life.”
“Always consider constructive feedback as a surprise gift.”
“Do not dispute your thirst of water……not with the flowing brook.”
“What I currently have are the resources that allow me to obtain what I don’t. Therefore, to forget what I ‘do have’ in the pursuit of what I ‘don’t’ is to insure that whatever I don’t have, I won’t have.”
“We are souls, eternal and perfect, captains of our mystic ships: gods and goddesses of our universe. We are beautiful, we pearls of grit. We, the ember of everything. Our uniqueness IS what makes us special, and the expression of it is our gift to the rest of us. In order to feel happy and fulfilled, we must honour our own personal brand of creativity… let it out into the world… BE who we came here to BE.”
“Your words, thoughts, intentions and actions today are your best hope, comfort, building blocks and insurance for tomorrow. But it is now alone that is guaranteed – tomorrow is a dream, a maybe a potential gift. It’s now – not tomorrow – where happiness and fulfilment live…awaiting your discovery. It’s all this that will make each extra day that may arrive extra special and rich.”
“One true king knew when to step aside and give up the reins of power—to remove his crown and relinquish his kingdom—all for the sake of glimpsing, just once in a lifetime, the face of a holy child.He was the Fourth to follow the Star.His gift was a secret.The rest of his journey is unknown.”
“The greatest gift you can ever give another person is your own happiness”
“Some people today are wandering generalities instead of meaningful specifics because they have failed to discover and mine the wealth of potentials in them.”
“Don’t show a friend your gift, or your bag of money if you still want to maintain your relationship, but if nay, go on, and all you’ll see is hate and jealousy, and you’ll fight with him in the street like a dog and all you’ll feel is regret.”