“Our body is a sacred temple A place to connect with people. As we aren’t staying any younger We might as well keep it stronger.”

“If you want to make people angry. Be Happy. It’s sad that people cant stand when others are happy inlife. It really says a lot about them.”

“Love is like a flower. Its upright when its in harmony and withered when its dead.”

“Just please understand that everyone is going through a rough time as well. Even if they are hiding behind money or a simple smile. We are all continuously stumbling as we go about our lives. If we had perfect lives we’d all be perfect people. Only thing we can learn to do is endure or we will not be happy and happiness is the closest thing to perfect.”

“Every corner and room of a house will carry memories, make these the most pleasurable times you shared with your family.”

“To have hope is to be happy.”

“Sexual intimacy is a relationship, not just body parts coming together. The more comfortable you are with each other outside the bedroom; the easier it is to relax and the sweeter the intimacy!”