“Who’s to say what a ‘literary life’ is? As long as you are writing often, and writing well, you don’t need to be hanging-out in libraries all the time. Nightclubs are great literary research centers. So is Ibiza!”

“If you can show people how to build castles, make sure you do not neglect building and nurturing your own.”

“Self-observation is the first step of inner unfolding.”

“Enjoy good moments while they last. Then make sure, they’re not the last”

“Family it is not an important thing, it is everything.”

“If life has left me hungry, it’s probably not for lack of food. Rather, it’s likely because I’m eating the wrong food at the wrong table.”

“Chances are, you won’t find the right love until you find the lifestyle you love.”

“Creating a business that doesn’t require a sacrifice of your happiness and family is no joke. Choose lifestyle over business.Create a lifestyle business.”

“Happiness is not the achievement of some goal, it’s a mindset, it’s a way of looking at things, it’s a daily practice. Happiness is a way of living.”

“The three cycles of loss center on our sense of control, safety, and identity.”

“If you want more joy in your daily life, smile at the people you meet in the street, the woman sitting beside you on the bus or standing next to you in the queue at the airport, the waiter who brings your food, your colleagues or your employer. There’s a great chance they’ll smile back.”

“Just like your body and lifestyle can be healthy or unhealthy, the same is true with your beliefs. Your beliefs can be your medicine or your poison.”

“At any given moment, your circumstances can change. You may not be where you want to be right now. You may not even be doing what you prefer to do. But, if you change your way of thinking and realize that you have all the opportunities available to you just like each one of us. You can begin to focus on what you want to achieve and make it happen”

“Giving and Receiving Inspiration.”