All Quotes By Tag: Happiness
“Daily dance uplift the soul to spiritual realms.”
“To lovers there.Most ladies the reason they are dumped and their relationship doesn’t last is they made themselves to become a want than a need in a relationship.”
“Ideas and philosophies have a shelf-life. They must be kept fresh and renewed or they will spoil. If left unattended, the same ideas and philosophies that once nourished you and helped you grow can poison you and make you sick. Become aware of new ideas that can refresh your way of life and be open to the fact that your old ideas and philosophies can work for you for some time, but when the shelf-life has passed, those ideas and philosophies could also harm you.”
“You cannot be buried in obscurity: you are exposed upon a grand theater to the view of the world. If your actions are upright and benevolent, be assured they will augment your power and happiness.”
“Pain may be the only reality but if mankind had any sense it would pursue the delusion called happiness. All the philosophers and poets who tell us that pain and suffering have a place and purpose in the cosmic order of things are welcome to them. They are frauds. We justify pain because we do not know what to make of it, nor do we have any choice but to bear it. Happiness alone can make us momentarily larger than ourselves.”
“Let people be the pursuits of happiness, you be the pursuit of perfection.”
“Entertainment is temporary happiness, but the real happiness is permanent entertainment.”
“Health is hearty, health is harmony, health is happiness.”
“Love is my inner strength and my power.”
“The trick. . .is to find the balance between the bright colors of humor and the serious issues of identity, self-loathing, and the possibility for intimacy and love when it seems no longer possible or, sadder yet, no longer necessary.”
“Share your love, share you happiness, care for others; your wealth will be endless.”
“The secret of happiness is love and secret of love is nonjudgmental care.”
“If ur laptop doesnt smell like fire then ur losing.”
“Do you know where your breakthrough begins? Your breakthrough begins where your excuses ends.”
“Many married women who have deliberately spurned the “hour” of childbearing are unhappy and frustrated. They never discovered the joys of marriage because they refused to surrender to the obligation of their state. In saving themselves, they lost themselves!”