“As you dig your teeth into your assumptions, your teeth become sharper. You can dig deeper. You become what the world needs simply by helping yourself. It’s not easy, but it is worth it. The truth, as they say, hurts. But they also say it sets you free.”

“You see the stars, they are glimpses of hope where darkness has fallen.”- Rachael Otoo”

“The closer you come to knowing that you alone create the world of your experience, the more vital it becomes for you to discover just who is doing the creating.”

“Wisdom tends to grow in proportion to one’s awareness of one’s ignorance.”

“COMING FORTH INTO THE LIGHTI was born the dayI thought:What is?What was?AndWhat if?I was transformed the dayMy ego shattered,And all the superficial, materialThings that matteredTo me before,Suddenly ceasedTo matter.I really came into beingThe day I no longer cared aboutWhat the world thought of me,Only on my thoughts forChanging the world.”

“Compassion is all inclusive. Compassion knows no boundaries. Compassion comes with awareness, and awareness breaks all narrow territories.”

“When you know the knower within, you don’t need to know further. When you know the meditator within, you don’t need to meditate further. When you truly know the worshiper in you, you are to be worshiped.”

“Depression weighs you down like a rock in a river. You don’t stand a chance. You can fight and pray and hope you have the strength to swim, but sometimes, you have to let yourself sink. Because you’ll never know true happiness until someone or something pulls you back out of that river–and you’ll never believe it until you realize it was you, yourself who saved you.”

“Write it on your heart you are the most beautiful soul of the Universe. Realize it, honor it and celebrate the life.”

“The more you try to please people, the more they get control of you and you’ll end up hurting yourself.”