All Quotes By Tag: Courage
“Finally, finally, this is what bravery looks like. This is what courage looks like. It has nothing to do with dominating the day, every single day. It has to do with showing up and speaking truth. One true sentence after one true sentence.”
“You never know who you’re inspiring or uninspiring. People notice more than you think.”
“The fear of God is one of the most extreme expressions of cowardice.”
“Peer beyond the wall of doubt to embrace the possibilities.”
“True love is love that causes us pain, that hurts, and yet brings us joy. That is why we must pray to God and ask Him to give us the courage to love.”
“That is the truth, my boy. All we have left of our ancestors’ great covenant with the Everlasting, who brought them out of nothingness, is darkness and wrath. With every day that passes, Horeb’s wrath feeds on our sins. He demands justice and righteousness. He watches us, impatiently. He knows our past, but he also knows the future that awaits us. He sees that we are advancing into darkness. In his impatience, he rumbles to shake us our of our torpor. But all he obtains in return is fear, even though what he wants is a little courage and dignity!”
“Certain people will be upset when you speak the truth. They might get mad. They might get really mad. That’s because they are still living the lie you’ve exposed. Stay strong. Speak truth. Do not allow yourself to get pulled back into their lie just to make others happy and yourself miserable. You are free. Stay free.”
“It can be difficult to speak truth to power. Circumstances, however, have made doing so increasingly necessary.”
“Sometimes, the things They say, the laws They make, the way the world spins doesn’t make any sense at all…Which is exactly why you have to ask “Why?” and keep on asking until you get the TRUTH…”
“Only courageous hearts can endure the bitterness of truth.”
“It goes with a courageous intent to greet the universe as it really is, not to foist our emotional predispositions on it but to courageously accept what our explorations tell us.”
“The church must suffer for speaking the truth, for pointing out sin, for uprooting sin. No one wants to have a sore spot touched, and therefore a society with so many sores twitches when someone has the courage to touch it and say: “You have to treat that. You have to get rid of that. Believe in Christ. Be converted.”
“It takes more effort to avoid the truth than it does to face it.”
“Once you reject fear, you will become the perfect candidate to receive and reflect Truth.”
“From this point forward, you don’t even know how to quit in life.”~ Aaron Lauritsen, ‘100 Days Drive”