“Rekindled the fire in your soul.”

“Beautiful behavior is like sunshine to the soul.”

“You wonder why you can’t see me,Sense me, feel me…?When you are outpouring your emotion,it is like me trying to climb up a waterfallTo get to you.But if you are calm and have faith in me,I can sail right over to youOn the still waters of your soul.”

“I swear that girl was born with a pen in her hand, the moon in her hair and stars in her soul.”

“Sin has a way of making a home for itself and lingering like an unwelcome guest in the rooms of our soul.”

“Dive down into the deepest depth of your soul there you will find your ocean of wisdom.”

“Lavonas atrodydavo kaip tuščias vabzdžio kiautas voratinklyje – esybė būdavo išnykusi, šviesa išnykusi, nelikę to iliuzinio švytėjimo, kurį skleidžia kadai užgesusios žvaigždės. Kūnas būdavo netekęs sielos. Ir būtent sielos nebuvimas įkvėpė Harį tikėti.”

“Inside the scrawny adolescent was a soul that defied extinction.”

“My soul is crushed under the weight of tears I can’t spill.”