“Read deeply. Stay open. Continue to wonder.”

“ Before I ever knew what the word Entrepeneur was, I realized in America and in the Western part of the world in general, you are given the opportunity to be whatever you want to be. And that is all anyone should ever expect from the Capitalist system. The rest is up to you.It’s up to you to educate yourself.It’s up to you to learn speaking skills and people skills.It’s up to you to try (and usually fail, but to try again) all sorts of ventures.The rest is a combination of hard work, being at the right place …at the right time…with the right thing…oh yes…and more (never ending) hard work.”

“What would you consider a good job?” Answered as follows:”A good job is one in which I don’t have to work, and get paid a lot of money.”When I heard that I cheered and yelled and felt that he should be given an A+, for he had perfectly articulated the American dream of those who despise knowledge. What a politician that kid would have made.”

“It is not enough to be busy; so are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about?”

“To be successful, one has to be one of three bees – the queen bee, the hardest working bee, or the bee that does not fit in.”

“The French say you get hungry when you’re eating, and I get inspired when I’m working. It’s my engine”

“Pray like it all depends on God, but work like it all depends on you.”

“what passed for useful information sharing within an organization was really just bureaucratic phatic of people protecting their position, looking for praise, projecting criticism, setting up positions of non-responsibility for upcoming failures and calamities, that were both entirely predictable, but seemingly completely unavoidable and telling each other what they all already knew. The trick was to be able to reengage quickly and seamlessly without allowing anyone to know that you stopped listening properly, shortly after the speaker had first opened their mouth.”

“My life will be the best illustration of all my work.”

“The difference between greed and ambition is a greedy person desires things he isn’t prepared to work for.”

“To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work.”

“When you work on something that only has the capacity to make you 5 dollars, it does not matter how much harder you work – the most you will make is 5 dollars.”

“The most important thing about art is to work. Nothing else matters except sitting down every day and trying.”

“The best work that anybody ever writes is the work that is on the verge of embarrassing him, always.”