“I believe in going with the flow. I don’t believe in fighting against the flow. You ride on your river and you go with the tides and the flow. But it has to be your river, not someone else’s. Everyone has their own river, and you don’t need to swim,float,sail on their’s, but you need to be in your own river and you need to go with it. And I don’t believe in fighting the wind. You go and you fly with your wind. Let everyone else catch their own gusts of wind and let them fly with their own gusts of wind, and you go and you fly with yours.”

“Strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter”

“You may be the only person left who believes in you, but it’s enough. It takes just one star to pierce a universe of darkness. Never give up.”

“You never know who you’re inspiring or uninspiring. People notice more than you think.”

“Pray to God, but row to shore”

“You are not for any reason less than whom God created you to be, don’t live like a dwarf where you are seen as a giant.”

“From this point forward, you don’t even know how to quit in life.”~ Aaron Lauritsen, ‘100 Days Drive”

“Life’s trials will test you, and shape you, but don’t let them change who you are.”~ Aaron Lauritsen, ‘100 Days Drive”

“The struggles we endure today will be the ‘good old days’ we laugh about tomorrow.”

“Don’t change your mind just because people are offended; change your mind if you’re wrong.”

“Don’t dwell too much on the past. The lessons are useful for the present and a preparation for the future. Move on!”

“Confidence is like a dragon where, for every head cut off, two more heads grow back.”

“People who lack the clarity, courage, or determination to follow their own dreams will often find ways to discourage yours. Live your truth and don’t EVER stop!”