“We think a wise person is someone who solves problems. Truth is, a wise person is someone who avoids problems.”

“Success stories begin with a decision. The decision to go beyond what you are. When you decide that your present station is not your destination, you are already half-way there.”

“There isn’t one story in the world that exist today that talks about triumph or success, where will was not attached. You have to to have will and drive- more than just saying that you “want” something or want to do something. You have to do it. – The Affidavit of Niedria Dionne Kenny”

“Helping someone who does not help.It will kill you emotionally , kill your happiness and leaving you with regrets.”

“Giving your time to someone who does not it.It will kill you emotionally , kill your happiness and leaving you with regrets.”

“Success, like happiness, is a by-product, not a goal.”

“Success is not about Money , fame or JobIt is all about becoming Well and Illustrative personality . So that Everyone remember you and learn from you”

“Success is not that adjourns the team after achieving, but that motivates the team to face new challenges”