“The number of ways to live in one lifetime is limitless. So why limit yourself?”

“The most critical time in any battle is not when I’m fatigued, it’s when I no longer care.”

“Nearly’ only counts in horseshoes and hand-grenades.”

“Success is not obtained overnight. It comes in installments; you get a little bit today, a little bit tomorrow until the whole package is given out. The day you procrastinate, you lose that day’s success.”

“It is extraordinarily entertaining to watch the historians of the past … entangling themselves in what they were pleased to call the “problem” of Queen Elizabeth. They invented the most complicated and astonishing reasons both for her success as a sovereign and for her tortuous matrimonial policy. She was the tool of Burleigh, she was the tool of Leicester, she was the fool of Essex; she was diseased, she was deformed, she was a man in disguise. She was a mystery, and must have some extraordinary solution. Only recently has it occrurred to a few enlightened people that the solution might be quite simple after all. She might be one of the rare people were born into the right job and put that job first.”

“It is not the ultimate achievement that makes you extraordinary; it is what you become on the way to that achievement that people celebrate. This is what fills 295 pages of your 300 page (auto)biography!”

“How to win in life:1 work hard 2 complain less 3 listen more 4 try, learn, grow5 don’t let people tell you it cant be done6 make no excuses”

“The most important thing is this: to sacrifice what you are now for what you can become tomorrow.”

“If I only go as far as I can take myself, I’m not all that certain that I’ve gone much of anywhere at all. But once I dared to look outside of myself, I realized that God hands out unlimited passes to the anywhere of everywhere.”

“Carve your name on hearts, not tombstones. A legacy is etched into the minds of others and the stories they share about you.”