“Many a parent, sad to say, has used their child as an opportunity for them, the parent, to do, through their child, something or some of the things that they, the parent, did not do or did not do successfully.”

“Among other possibilities, money was invented to make it possible for a foolish man to control wise men; a weak man, strong men; a child, old men; an ignorant man, knowledgeable men; and for a dwarf to control giants.”

“Ukiitwa mtoto kidini ina maana una imani na unyenyekevu mbele ya Mungu, kama ambavyo mtoto ana imani na unyenyekevu mbele ya mzazi wake. Lakini ukiitwa mtoto kidunia watu watakudharau.”

“The world has a very serious problem, my friend’ Shiva went on. ‘Poor children still die by their millions. Westerners and the global rich — like me — live in post-scarcity society, while a billion people struggle to get enough to eat. And we’re pushing the planet towards a tipping point, where the corals die and the forests burn and life becomes much, much harder. We have the resources to solve those problems, even now, but politics and economics and nationalism all get in the way. If we could access all those minds, though…”

“Death was kind.” He drew a sharp breath. “But no father should have to give such a kindness to his child.”

“This is my child, he said. I wash a dead man’s brains out of his hair. That is my job.”

“And no child deserved to die for defending her father, no matter who she was”

“He would find his Susie,inside his young son. Give that love to the living.”

“Just a few more questions, please.’ She’d heard that before. Lara gritted her teeth and considered closing the door in his face but an image of the girl screamed into her mind on turbo boost. Couldn’t let this crime go unpunished even if it meant dealing with the law.”

“I don’t know where to start,” one [writing student] will wail. Start with your childhood, I tell them. Plug your nose and jump in, and write down all your memories as truthfully as you can. Flannery O’ Connor said that anyone who has survived childhood has enough material to write for the rest of his or her life. Maybe your childhood was grim and horrible, but grim and horrible is Okay if it is well done. Don’t worry about doing it well yet, though. Just get it down.”