All Quotes By Tag: Made-me-think
“Some people masturbate to temporarily replace their partners when they are absent, whereas some people do that to temporarily live in the present.”
“A maid’s yard, house, wardrobe, fridge, etc. sometimes also serve as her master’s dustbin or dumpsite.”
“The human population would probably be way less than a thousand, if ejaculation were not usually accompanied by an orgasm.”
“With regard to things such as independence, mental capabilities, and sexuality, a very old man is nothing but a gigantic infant with white hair and wrinkles.”
“Some social ills are preserved by the common misbelief that things such as ignorance, greed, and stupidity do not have the stamina required to reach old age.”
“Some people have contracted HIV during their separate endeavours to give someone or some people a curable STD.”
“A truly compassionate man gives a poor woman a portion of his meal before he eats, not after he has eaten.”
“Unless they are off duty, no matter how wide it is, and even when it is sincere, a smile seems fake if the job description of the person who is smiling includes smiling.”
“Famine sometimes increases the number of people who are overweight.”
“Some women’s greatest achievement is sleeping with a man who is rich, famous, and/or wanted by many women, whereas some women’s greatest achievement is refusing to sleep with such a man.”
“Most people do kiss and tell; most of them just don’t tell many people.”
“An expensive coffin does not decrease the deceased’s chances of going to hell.”
“One of the main functions of a push-up bra is to lower the number of mothers who seem like mothers.”
“Many a death was precipitated by the food, the job, or the medication whose main function was to postpone it.”
“The kind of lies that someone tells us gives us an idea of how stupid, knowledgeable, intelligent, or ignorant they are … or they think we are.”